Friday, December 22, 2017

Is this working?

OMGYOUGUYS. I am writing this on my mobile phone and I don’t even know if it will work but it has to because I don’t have my laptop. Today, once again, the content surpasses the time I have to share it because I WENT TO SELBY, ENGLAND. It’s a real place, in Yorkshire, and there’s a beautiful abbey and a quaint little high street and everyone was lovely and I took so many photos that I can’t wait to share (with my Grampa). It was the nicest day.

Now I’m in Leeds for the night, where Al will be joining me, before we set off for Scotland tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be able to grab a moment there, because I want to share with you all the fun stuff I learned today and also - natch - burgersburgersburgers.

Weirdly enough, my phone won’t let me upload any pics from my camera roll, but it DID give me some random pics from 2015 to choose from, and happy coincidence - one is from Leeds. So here you go! 

Big hugs and lots of love, 

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