Ah, who am I kidding? I am buried in gourds, I have to eat one of them. The last thing my Thanksgiving needs is to be tainted by Gourd Guilt . . . Maybe I'll compromise and make a squash mac n cheese, like some combination between this one and this one . . .
Okay, it is HAPpening. Some sort of squash (why so many VARIETIES, England??) is roasting away in the oven while onions caramelise on the stove and soon it will all get put together in a creamy cheesey frenzy. . .YEAH, holiday!
GUYS. My squash mac is done. And it is AMAZING. Just LOOK at this gooey gourdy goodness!
I felt guilty at the lack of greens so I threw in some green chilis and parsley and now it's totally healthy.
Now for my day's gratitude before I leave you to stuff my face and then roll my engorged self into the bath tub:
I'm thankful for having the Wolf.
I'm thankful for good friends and a growing community.
I'm thankful for having enough food, and a sweet home, and a roaring fire, and lots of blankets, and all the cosy things that make winter seem like the warmest season of all.
Big hugs and I hope your day is full of love,
Happy Thanksgiving, Sharona! I love you!