Saturday, December 16, 2017

Saturday night is the new Saturday morning

HAPPYSATURDAYYOUGUYS. We are halfway through the month and things are ticking nicely along. Still a scratchy throat - but no complaints there, I actually found myself thankful I couldn't speak at a social occasion last weekend - but there's no accompanying head cold and I have plenty of energy so it's not ruining my social life (in fact, it may be improving it, per the above).

Today we've got a Chrimbo pub crawl followed by a good friend's birthday party and it all conspires to be very lively and full of fun. It's dark by 3:30 these days so 7 feels like midnight and midnight feels like an all-nighter and all this means we feel young and wild by 9 and absolutely reckless by 10, which is generally the point we're hailing a cab straight to our local filthy pizza, cackling away (a treat we enjoy all the more because we eat it in bed while watching netflix).

In short: it's going to be a good night.

Leadenhall Market, Wednesday afternoon

But first: breakfast. See you tomorrow!

Big hugs and lots of love,

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