Saturday, October 17, 2015

C'est la life, c'est la Hackney, c'est la leaving the house

OMGYOUGUYS. Because my monthly cleaner has occupied our home and nothing makes me more uncomfortable than sitting on the couch while she hoovers around me, even if I AM working, I've currently camped out in my neighborhood organic cafe (because Hackney) right next to a record player (because Hackney) sipping a bottomless cup of coffee (because 'they've always wanted American coffee service'). It's absolutely lovely and I can't believe I haven't been here yet. 

My workstation:

See the stack of paper my laptop is sitting on? 
That's about one QUARTER of the manuscript I'm proofreading right now.

Then, as I was taking the above photo (feeling a bit basic because come ON, if one more person instagrams a cafe with distressed wooden counters and quinoa salad and a blackboard menu, then surely the world will combust. Also don't check my instagram), the woman sitting at the table across from me asked if I would like to be IN the photo. I mean, obviously not, no, never, don't make me slap you, but then also HOW NICE WAS THAT and WHAT KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD IS THIS so of course yes, I would love that, thank you so much! *hands over phone, sits back down slowly, suspiciously*

Not even black and white makes it look like I'm really working in this photo. 
Also, the curve of the 'Specials' going over my head makes it look like I'M special. That woman surely had the last laugh. 

Speaking of this crazy place we now live in, we had an excellent time with the neighbors at our social hour last week. They didn't try to dismember us ONCE. We gathered in their kitchen, where the husband cultured his rye sourdough starter every half hour and told the Wolf about his new smoker and I chatted with the wife about the grossness of attachment parenting and how good her nanny was. It was delightful. And get this! In a couple of weeks the neighbors on the OTHER side are having a little meet-and-greet for all the cute couples at our end of the road! I think it's safe to say we've found quite the little community here. I'm going to pack ALL my best behavior. *curls hair, digs out pearls* Why yes, Louise, I too feel the same about Benedict as Hamlet, ha-ha, ha-ha! Do pass the wine, won't you? Ha-ha! Aren't we wild!

Okay, I should get back to tackling that mound of paper. All my love to you and I hope you're having an excellent weekend!

Big hugs and lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of you! But I will have to agree, you definitely do not look like you are working. Maybe shoulders hunched forward, glasses perched on the tip of your nose and of course, a scowl on your face, yep I think that would do it! :)
