Monday, November 7, 2011

On Highgate Wood, a new friend, the pleasures of fall, and the difficulties of self-pimping

Remember back when I used to blog post all the time? Yeah. That was awesome. I was amazing.  Don't spend too much time on that link; I think I used to be mildly illiterate if those posts are anything to go by.

In other tidings, I've made a new friend! She is GREAT. We met for the first time after corresponding through our blogs and it was like a blind date and I was all nervous that she wouldn't like me but then she was so much fun all my nervousness went away and now I want to hang out with her all the time but I'm totally playing cool so she doesn't think I'm stalking her. We spent an afternoon in Highgate Wood and it was such a beautiful fall day, all blue blue skies and red and yellow leaves and the light was so golden like an apple that I thought maybe I was in a different place like Vermont or Maine, and I was going to go home to my farm and my chickens and my jug of maple syrup and my barrels filled with something organic from my local market and then I would turn on some Philip Glass while I made dinner. That's how nice it was.

I think fall is London's best and my new favorite season. Normally spring or summer would be neck-and-neck and fall would be somewhere down in 'yeah, when I'm moody' territory, but this year spring didn't actually lead to summer, so I'm still a bit mad at both of them. And if I know London, winter is definitely coming. So right now fall is in the lead, if for no other reason than promises delivered. Go fall!

And honestly. Look at this: 

 I know!

My new bff! If she lived in America, she would totally listen to NPR. You can tell.

And then a ram appeared in the thicket.

Did I mention I have to create a personal brochure? I do. It's difficult for many reasons, not the least of which is that I'm not actually sure what I'm selling here.  It's certainly not my ability to design furniture. And apparently the capacity to spot a designer chair from a mile away isn't something marketable. I'm also having trouble making 'retentively organized' sound artistic and sexy. I'm clearly going to have to start making things up...What would Jasper Morrison say...

I hope you're doing well! I miss you.

Big hugs and lots of love,


  1. Highgate Wood is one of my very favourite places in london, lived just down the hill and spent jude's first year wandering in circles there... gorgeous

  2. some ideas for your brochure:  can design, execute and sell paper mache birds and/or christmas ornaments. fantastical wall paper hangerer.  animal handler extraordinaire.  photographer (duh).  volunteer drinking buddy and wing woman.  amazing ability to get things for free... need more?

  3. My cousin and her husband just bought a house that overlooks Highgate Wood.  I can't wait to visit them!

  4. Really?! That is one lucky baby. It was amazing in there!

  5. Omigosh, I CAN do all those things!! (Except for the drinking part, of course, Grampa. And the animal handling.) This is going to make a GREAT brochure!

  6. Whaaaaaat?! The ones that currently neighbour me are moving up?? That is IT. I need to make friends with them. You MUST come visit.

  7. would one obtain the blog address of your new friend? 

  8. You can find her here:! She's currently on a blog sabbatical which is why I didn't include a hyperlink in the post, but she's so good, so you should check her out! Hopefully she'll be back soon!

  9. And then a ram appeared in the thicket...I would totally expect that!

  10. some ideas for your brochure:  can design, execute and sell paper mache birds and/or christmas ornaments. fantastical wall paper hangerer.  animal handler extraordinaire.  photographer (duh).  volunteer drinking buddy and wing woman.  amazing ability to get things for free... need more?
